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Barstone Epic Western Novel Barstone Epic Western

  • Barstone an Epic Western

Barstone is a novel about twin brothers from South Alabama who struggle to keep what is rightfully theirs during a time in history when raw nerve and a fast gun is the law of the land.

The sounds of the battle between the north and the South are now silent over the country. War's smoke has long since dissipated, but the memories of war burned with an unquenchable fire in the minds of the men who survived.

Clay and Benny Founder, veterans of the Confederacy are farmers and mule breeders in South Alabama. They inherit a ranch named Barstone located in West Texas. They must leave their beloved war-torn South Land and venture west into unsettled and wild terrains inhabited by bands of outlaws, blood thirsty Indians and unscrupulous bankers.

Two brothers who only want peace must fight the battle of their lives before even reaching their inheritance. If they successfully arrive at their ranch, the question is, "Can they keep it?"

Price: $82.70
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Hello folks, this is a novel I wrote and had published back in 2003 about how rugged the land and the men that fought to keep their small share of it were. two brothers just out of the War between the states must fight for their inheritance with fists and guns.

This is the last of my first edition of this novel, when these are gone there will be no more.

I had a lot of fun writing this book, my characters took a life of their own and I just dictated what they wanted me to write about their next adventures. One item I would like to state is that a lot of research went into this novel. The happenings in the towns accurately happen during the time of this novel, the weapons were real, and the daily struggle for life was an absolute for most everyone. Men had come out of the war from both sides with no homes, jobs and a future to speak of. Most turned to the gun for substance and survival.

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